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人气:347 ℃ 时间:2019-10-02 22:21:22
some 1
/ səm; səm/ indef det (used in affirmative sentences,or in questions expecting a positive reply; after if/whether, when the sentence has a positive emphasis; and in invitations and requests 用於肯定句或希望得到肯定回答的问句; 置於if/whether之后, 语义偏重於肯定; 用以表示邀请和请求)
(used with [U] ns 与不可数名词连用) an unspecified amount of 一些; 若干: There's some ice in the fridge. 冰箱里有些冰块儿. * Some mail came for you this morning. 今天上午有你的邮件. * You left some money on the table. 你把钱落在桌子上了. * Would you like some milk in your tea? 要不要在茶里加点儿牛奶? * Isn't there some (more) wine in the cellar? 酒窖里(还)有酒吗? * If you save some money each week, we can go on holiday. 要是你每星期能存点儿钱, 咱们就可以外出度假了. * Please have some cake. 请吃点儿蛋糕.
(used with pl [C] ns, usu referring to three or more 与复数可数名词连用, 通常指三个或三个以上) an unspecified number of 一些; 若干: Some children were playing in the park. 有些小孩儿在公园里玩儿. * Why don't you give her some flowers? 何不送给她一些花? (Cf 参看 I suggest you give her some flowers.) * Didn't you borrow some records of mine? 你没向我借过一些唱片吗? (Cf 参看 You borrowed some records of mine, didn't you?) * If you put some pictures on the wall the room will look brighter. 你要是在墙上挂几幅画, 这个房间就更有生气. Cf 参看 any1. some 2
/ sʌm; sʌm/ indef det
(used with [C] and [U] ns 与可数和不可数名词连用) (a) a number or amount of sth that is less than the total being considered 部分; 有些: Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained. 有些人生就一副好嗓子, 有些人则需要训练. * Some modern music sounds harsh and tuneless. 现代音乐中有一些又刺耳又不成调子. (b) a considerable number or amount of 相当多的; 好些: We went some (ie several) miles out of our way. 我们偏离原定路线走了好几英里. * That is some help to us, ie It helps to a certain extent. 那对我们很有用. * I shall be gone (for) some time, ie for quite a long time. 我将有好些日子不在这儿. * The headmistress spoke at some (ie considerable) length. (女)校长讲话讲了好一会儿.
(used with sing [C] ns 与单数可数名词连用) person, place or thing that is unknown or unspecified 未知的或未确指的人、 地点或事物: Some man at the door is asking to see you. 门口有人要见你. * She won a competition in some newspaper or other. 她参加某报纸举办的比赛获胜.
(used with numbers 与数词连用) approximately 大约; 近於: He spent some twelve years of his life in Africa. 他在非洲度过了近十二个年头. * Some thirty people attended the funeral. 参加葬礼的约有三十人. some 3
/ sʌm; sʌm/ indef pron
an unspecified number or amount of people or things 一些人或事物. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): Some were at the meeting yesterday. 有些人昨天出席了会议. * You'll find some in the cupboard. 柜橱里有一些. * There's some (more) in the pot. 锅里(还)有一些. * I already have some but it's not enough for six. 我有一些, 但不够六个人的. (b) (referring forward 用以预指后文): Some of the chairs are broken. 有些椅子坏了. * Some of the money was stolen. 有些钱给偷走了.
part of the whole number or amount being considered 其中的一部分. (a) (referring back 用以复指前文): Thirty people came some stayed until the end but many left early. 来了三十人--有些人一直呆到最后, 但很多人先走了. (b) (referring forward 用以预指后文): Some of the students had done their homework but most hadn't. 有些学生做了作业, 但大多数都没做. * Some of the letter was illegible. 那封信有些字难以辨认. Cf 参看 any2.
suff 后缀
(with ns and vs forming adjs 与名词和动词构成形容词) producing; likely to 引起...的; 有...倾向的: fearsome * quarrelsome * meddlesome.
(with numbers forming ns 与数词构成名词) group of the specified number 某数目的一组: threesome.
/ ˈmenɪ; ˋmɛnɪ/ indef det, indef pron (used with pl ns or vs 与复数名词或动词连用)
a large number of people or things 大量的人或事物. (a) (det): Many people agree with nationalization. 很多人都赞成国有化. * I didn't see many houses under 50000. 我很少见到5万英镑以下的房子. * Were there many pictures by British artists? 英国画家的作品多吗? * How many children have you got? 你有几个孩子? * There are too many mistakes in this essay. 这篇文章错误太多. * I don't need many more. 我需要的不多了. (b) (pron): Many of the students were from Japan. 许多学生都是日本人. * I have some classical records but not very many. 我有一些古典音乐唱片, 但是不太多. * Did you know many of them? 他们中很多人你都认识吗? * How many do you want? 你要多少? * I wouldn't have offered to water the plants if I'd known there were so many. 早知道有这麽多花草需要浇水, 我就不自告奋勇了. * He made ten mistakes in as many (ie ten) lines. 他在十行里就有十个错. =>Usage at much1 用法见much1.
many a a large number of 许多 (used with a sing n + sing v 与单数名词+单数动词连用): Many a strong man has weakened before such a challenge. 很多坚强的人面对这种困难都动摇了. * Many a famous pop star has been ruined by drugs. 很多着名的流行音乐歌星都因使用毒品而毁了自己. * I've been to the top of the Eiffel Tower many a time. 我曾多次登上埃菲尔铁塔的塔顶. * (saying 谚) Many a true word is spoken in jest. 笑谈之中有真话.
(idm 习语) be ,one, etc too `many (for sth) be one, etc more than the correct or needed number 比正确的或所需的数目多...个: There are six of us two too many for a game of whist. 我们有六个人--要打惠斯特牌就多了两个人. a good/great many very many 许多; 很多. have had ,one too `many (infml 口) be slightly drunk 有一点醉. many's the sb/sth who/that... there are many people/things that... 有很多的...人[事物]: Many's the promise that has been broken. 违反诺言的事经常有. (Cf 参看 Many a promise has been broken.) * Many's the time that I heard him use those words. 有很多次我听到他使用那些词语. (Cf 参看 I heard him use those words many a time.)
> the many n most people; the masses or majority 多数人; 群众: a government which improves conditions for the many 致力於改善群众生活条件的政府. Cf 参看 the few (few1).
# ,many-`sided adj having many sides 多边的: (fig 比喻) We are faced with a ,many-sided `problem. 我们面临着一个涉及多方面的问题.
/ mɔː(r); mɔr/ indef det, indef pron ~ (sth) (than...) 1 a greater or additional number or amount(of) 更大的; 更多的. (a) (det): more people, cars, money, imagination 更多的人、 汽车、 钱、 想像物 * more accuracy than originality 准确性多, 创造性少 * more food than could be eaten at one time 一次吃不完的食物 * Would you like some more coffee? 你再来点咖啡吗? * There are two more students here than yesterday. 今天比昨天多两个学生. * I know many more people who'd liketo come. 我知道还有很多人想来. (b) (pron): Thank you, I couldn't possibly eat any more. 谢谢你, 我真的再也吃不下了. * Is there much more of this film? 这部电影还很长吗? * What more can I say (ie in addition to what has already been said)? 我还能再说什麽? * We need a few more. 我们还需要一些. * I'll take three more. 我再要三个. * room for no more than three cars 只能容下三辆汽车的空间 * I hope we'll see more of you, ie see you more often. 我希望我们能多和你见面. => Usage at much1 用法见much1.
an increasing number or amount (of sb/ sth) 不断增长的数量: She spends more and more time alone in her room. 她独自呆在房间里的时间越来越多了. * He's always hungry he seems to want more and more to eat. 他总饿--好像越来越能吃了.
> more adv
1 (used to form the comparative of adjs and advs with two or more syllables 与至少有两个音节的形容词或副词构成比较级): more expensive, intelligent, generous, frightened, anxiously 更昂贵、 聪明、 慷慨、 惊慌、 担心 * She read the letter more carefully the second time. 她第二次看信时更仔细了.
2 to a greater extent 更加; 更甚: I like her more than her husband. 我喜欢她甚於她的丈夫. * Try and concentrate more on your work. 你做事精神要再集中些. * This costs more than that. 这个比那个贵. * Please repeat it once more,ie one more time. 请再重复一遍. * It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident. 那很像是蓄意的罪行, 而不像是意外的事故.
3 (idm 习语) ,more and `more increasingly 越来越; 越发: I am becoming more and more irritated by his selfish behaviour. 我对他那种自私的行为愈加恼火起来. * He speaks more and more openly about his problem. 他越来越公开地谈他的问题. ,more or `less (a) almost 差不多; 几乎: I've more or less finished reading the book. 我差不多已经把这本书看完了. (b) approximately 大致; 大约; 或多或少: It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling. 粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间. * I can earn 20 a night, more or less, as a waiter. 我当服务员一晚上能挣20英镑左右. more than happy, glad, willing etc (to do sth) very happy, glad, etc (to do sth) 非常乐意(做某事): I'm more than happy to take you there in my car. 我非常愿意用汽车把你送去. no more (a) neither 也不: He couldn't lift the table and no more could I. 他抬不动那张桌子, 我也抬不动. (b) not more 和...一样不; 和...都不; 不超过: You're no more capable of speaking Chinese than I am. 你我都不会说汉语. * It's no more than a mile to the shops. 离商业区不过一英里. what is `more in addition; more importantly 而且; 此外; 还有; 更有甚者: They are going to get married, and what's more they are setting up in business together. 他们就要结婚了, 而且还要一起做生意呢. * He's dirty, and what's more he smells. 他很脏, 身上还有味呢.
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