> 英语 >
一.单选 (第 1-20 题每题5分)
1.The man missed the bus.____ is why he was late for the meeting.
(A) All
(B) This
(C) That
(D) It
2.Listen to me.I have____ to tell you.
(A) anything new
(B) nothing new
(C) new something
(D) something new
3.You have a good room,I should say.But it's not as big as___.
(A) my
(B) mine
(C) me
(D) I
4.As the bus came round the corner,it ran ______ a big tree by the roadside.
(A) up
(B) on
(C) over
(D) into
5.I didn't get any letters yesterday,but there were____ this morning.
(A) little
(B) few
(C) a little
(D) a few
6.The pen is hers.Pass it to____,please.
(A) she
(B) hers
(C) her
(D) herself
7.Tom,what did you do with my documents?I have never seen such a ______ and disorder!
(A) bus
(B) mass
(C) guess
(D) mess
8.There are shops on _____ side of the street.________ of them do not close till 12 at night.
(A) both; All
(B) every; None
(C) either; Some
(D) other; Many
9.On average,a successful lawyer has to talk to several ______ a day.
(A) clients
(B) supporters
(C) guests
(D) customers
10.I'm not busy.I haven't ____ to do.
(A) something
(B) anything
(C) nothing
(D) everything
11.He apologized to me for hitting me___ face.
(A) at the
(B) in the
(C) on the
(D) in my
12.What is the train _____ to Birmingham?
(A) fee
(B) cost
(C) fare
(D) tip
13.Have you seen___ pen,a black one?
(A) you
(B) my
(C) these
(D) hers
14.______ the War of Independence,the United States was an English colony.
(A) Before
(B) At
(C) In
(D) Between
15.Hurry up!There is____ time left.
(A) few
(B) a few
(C) a little
(D) little
16.Mr Smith has two sons.____ is a soldier,___ is a doctor.
(A) One; other
(B) One; the other
(C) This; the other
(D) One; another
17.Would you like___ more coffee?
(A) some
(B) little
(C) any
(D) another
18.We ____ at the party last Sunday.
(A) enjoyed ourselves
(B) enjoy myself
(C) enjoyed myself
(D) enjoyed ourself
19.____ one do you like,the blue one or the red one?
(A) Which
(B) What
(C) That
(D) This
20.If she wants to stay thin,she must make a ______ in her diet.
(A) run
(B) turn
(C) go
(D) change
我英语最不好了 估计考试要用到 都是偏科严重的错误
人气:395 ℃ 时间:2020-05-16 16:32:30
1-5 C D B D D 6-10 C D A A B11-15 B C B A D16-20 B A A A D以上题目中所涉及到的知识点主要有以下几点:1. 人称代词,物主代词的使用;2. 易混词类用法辨析,如:little, a little, few, a few等;3. 固定搭配因此...
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