> 英语 >
我是高一新生 英语水平一般般 语法不是很懂 单词短语不是很能记住求写一篇高中生文笔的作文要点有1 对英语学习的认识 2 自己目前的英语水平 3 自己英语学习存在的问题 4 对英语教学的两点建议 开头
Dear Ms Li,
I am very happy to have you as our english teacher.
要求分段 老师很严
人气:280 ℃ 时间:2019-11-03 05:02:23
My current knowledge of English is not very good but I am starting to improve I know a lot of grammar rules but I have trouble actually understanding complicated English texts and speaking English well. My English writing skills are average, but it's better than my listening. My main weakness is that I'm bad at grammar sometimes, and I have trouble understanding some reading comprehension, as well as listening comprehension. Two suggestions I have for teaching English is have the students practice speaking to each other every day in English, and listening to English news or watching English movies. Those help a lot in learning.

所以写了一些 general points 你自己可以参考或改一下.加油、
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