> 英语 >
in this context,aggregat measures of pressure in labor and product markets do seem to be validated by finer statistical and
anecodotal indications of tensions.in the manufacturing sector,for example,purchasing managers have been reporting
slower supplier deliveries and increasing shortages of materials.indeed,firms appear to have been building their inventories
of materials in recent months so as to ensure that they will have adequate supplies on hand to meet their production
schedules.these pressures have been mirrored in a sharp rise over the past year in the prices of raw materials and
intermediate components.there are increasing reports that firms are considering marking up the prices of final goods to
offset those increased costs.in that regard,January's core CPI posted its largest gain since October 1992,perhaps sounding a
cautionary note.in the labor market,anecodotal reports of "shortage" of worker have become more common.to be
sure,increased wages are a good thing if they can be achieved without commensurate acceleration in prices,but they are
not beneficial if they are merely a part of a general pickup in inflation.a hopeful sign in this regard,however,is that to date
the trends in the expansion of money have remained subdued,and aggregate credit is growing moderately,these
developments do not suggest that the financial tender needed to support the ongoing inflation process is in place.
默..写错2个单词 一个是aggregate 一个是anecdotal
人气:140 ℃ 时间:2020-01-24 19:03:49
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