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No other philosopher in the world has had more enduring influence than Confucius.For over two thousand years his concept of government,and his ideas about personal conduct and morality,permeated Chinese life and culture.Even today,his thoughts remain influential.
There was little in his childhood background to predict the remarkable prestige that Confucius eventually achieved.He was born in a small principality in northeastern China,was reared in poverty,and had no formal education.Through diligent study,however,he educated himself and became a learned man.For a while he held a minor government post,but he soon resigned that position and spent most of his life as an instructor.Eventually,his most important teachings were gathered together into a book,the Analects,which was compiled by his disciples.
The two cornerstones of his system of personal conduct were Jen and Li.Jen might be defined as “benevolent concern for one’s fellow men.” Li is a term less easily translated:it combines the notions of etiquette,good manners,and due concern for virtue rather than wealth ( and in his personal life he seems to have acted on that principle).In addition,he was the first major philosopher to state the Golden Rule,which he phrased as” Do not do onto others that which you would not have them do unto you.”
人气:463 ℃ 时间:2020-06-30 13:03:25
在他关于人们行为道德的理论中有两个重要的支柱,即使Jen和Li.Jen 可以被定义为“一个人对自己的同伴要仁慈,并关心他们”.LI就更简单的被翻译为:它结合礼仪概念,好风俗等德行,比财富更重要(他的一生好像就是这么过下来的).而且,他是第一个主修哲学并对黄金定律作出说明的人,用他的话讲就叫“己所不欲,勿施于人.”
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