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tend to do 和want to do区别
人气:488 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 19:44:58
tend to do 是倾向/易于做某事,want to do是主观上想做某事.应试上技巧?比如说看到什么必用tend ,什么用want这有几个例句,tend to do 意思比较广,用法也多种多样,want to do主要指想做什么事情1. such detergents do not yellow the wool as alkali tends to do 这种洗涤剂不会象碱那样使羊毛发黄。2. they tend to do badly in school 他们通常在学校表现不好。3. but rich countries tend to do relatively well from those forecasts 然而,富裕国家似乎不屑于这些预测。4. in a love relationship you tend to do either too much or not enough 在一段感情中,你倾向于做得太多或不够。5. tend to do - tendency to do decide to do decision to do be curious to do curiosity to do 他要买辆车的愿望实现了 6. size and shape give obvious evidence , as big animals tend to do big things 形状和大小是很有力的证据,就像巨兽总是办大事。7. where uranus is located in the chart is where you tend to do the unusual 天王星在星宫图中的位置说明你在哪些方面会做出反常的事。8. 2 you ' ve probably guessed by now that a bullet came back down , which they tend to do 原译:你现在大概已经猜到了子弹会落下,因为本来就该如此。9. subjects with more communication between brain regions tended to do better in the cognitive tests 在大脑不同区域之间有着更多交流的对象,往往在认知力测试中表现得更好。10. people who follow p - time tend to do multiple tasks at the same time , tend to hold more fluid attitudes toward time schedules , and tend to integrate task needs with social needs 遵守多元多面分享给你的朋友吧:i贴吧 新浪微博腾讯微博QQ空间人人网豆瓣MSN对我有帮助18
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