> 英语 >
31.We are going abroad next week and the dog will be left our fried,Helen.
A.in charge of B.in the charge of
C.taking charge of D.taking the charge of
32.Many teenagers feel lonely because they think their parents and teachers don’t understand the
changes they are .
A.going on B.getting over C.going over D.going through
33.He is much better now,but has not fully from his liver failure.
A.improved B.discovered C.returned D.recovered
34.two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.
A.Besides B.with C.As D.Because of
35.—John ,have you gone over the lessons learnt this morning?
—Not yet.
—You should know .
A.many hands make light work B.Rome wasn’t in a day
C.strike while the iron is hot D.it’s a piece of cake
36.the child has been so rude to us,we shouldn’t him unpunished.
A.As,give B.As if,let C.Since that,go D.Now that,leave
37.A year ago he could hardly read,or write English,
A.didn’t B.did he C.couldn’t he D.could he
38.Large tracks have also been discovered some people say belong to the Wild Man.
A.from which B.that C./ D.what
39.Many children,parents are away working in big cities,are taken good care of in the school.
A.their B.with whom C.of them D.whose
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