用“there is,there are,there are't,there wasn't,there were,there weren't”填空(急!)
1、________a lot of boats fifty years ago.But_______ a pier here.
2、Now__________many people and cars here.
3、30 years ago,_________a lot of people,factories or a subway here.
4、Now__________bridges,highways and ferries here.But 50 years ago__________a ferry pier and some bridges here.
5、50 years ago,_________a tunnel,a highway or a subway.
人气:437 ℃ 时间:2019-09-29 07:59:28
1 There were ,there is
2 there are
3 there weren't
4 there are ,there was
5 there wasn't
- 请你用there is\isn'there are\aren't there was\wasn't there were\weren't造句吗?
- 用There is/are,There isn't/aren't,There was/were,There wasn't/weren't写出深
- 选择恰当的选项填空 there is,there are,there aren't,there wasn't,there were,there weren't
- there is/are,there isn't/aren't,there wes/were,there wasn't/weren't/
- 请用There is/are,There isn't/aren't,There was/were,There wasn't/were't.写出深南大道的变化
- 高中生物里对联会的定义?
- 单词中有ai发a的音的单词
- 请帮忙翻译以下邮件
- 改为同义句
- 别担心,我会很快和你联系的(翻译) don't worry ,i'll __ __ __ you soon
- 用括号内的动词适在空白处用适当形式填空
- 某实验小组的同学欲测出一段较长废铁轨的长度,可是他们谁也没有带刻度尺,小亮戴了一块电子表,他们让小亮将耳朵贴在铁轨的一端,另一位同学用力敲击铁轨的另一端,小亮听到一声敲击声后,经过0.5s又听到一声敲击声.请你帮他们计算出铁轨的长度.(当时
- 把一个底面半径5cm,高是20cm的圆柱截成两个同样大小的圆柱,截得的两个小圆柱的体积之和,表面积之和与截
- 人的眼睛可以看到多远的景物
- (x-y)(x-2y)-6y^2 因式分解
- (1)6分之5一6分之1=.(2)10分之3十5分之1=.(3)5分之1一8分之1十5分之4=.(4)5分之4一(4分之1十5分之2)=.