Still,there’s no question that GFS faces many challenges now.For one thing,the awkwardness of supporting an ever-growing fleet of user-facing,latency-sensitive applications on top of a system initially designed for batch-system throughput is something that’s obvious to all.
The advent of BigTable has helped somewhat in this regard.As it turns out,however,BigTable isn’t actually all that great a fit for GFS.In fact,it just makes the bottleneck limitations of the system’s single-master design more apparent than would otherwise be the case.
For these and other reasons,engineers at Google have been working for much of the past two years on a new distributed master system designed to take full advantage of BigTable to attack some of those problems that have proved particularly difficult for GFS.
Accordingly,it now seems that beyond all the adjustments made to ensure the continued survival of GFS,the newest branch on the evolutionary tree will continue to grow in significance over the years to come.
人气:331 ℃ 时间:2020-06-19 06:41:22