called you couple of times and your phone is power off.well,the names you mentioned are all great books (and great movies),these things can transferred to the next generation,and next...,I almost finished to read all these classic novels before I went into college.most of them (in details) are forgot already,but I still feel the spirits of these books are left in my minds.I am an US citizen now,but back to years ago,I just have my green card,and went back shanghai and married,so she had to wait for the quote number to immigrated to US,about 5 years,kind of pain to the "a..".yea,me too,I feel I am pretty tolerance to the hot weather,still can fall asleep,but to the cold,easily to get sick if my stomach catches cold.
人气:480 ℃ 时间:2019-08-26 04:04:22
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