I think in the world as a luck human being,we should read some books,see some movies,and visit some places,if we could (by time and money),and we do can read some books and see some movies (almost free,just need some time),you know,all these classical books and movies in the history.I know,the food safety is a big issue now in China,hope it will be improved soon.and to me,since it is only three weeks,I just eat what I like to eat,hope I will not catch any illnesses.not really wood,just some rocks (I guess) and look like wood,and still burns gas under these "wood",in most new homes in our rocky mountain area.but some of houses people do change it so they can burn real wood (for fun or for tradition).my ex is from shanghai also,I wen to back Shanghai to marry her,but we waited too long for her to come here.she studied marketing here for for the undergraduate degree,and worked in US company since 2005.yea,I called my mom,it is hot in Shanghai,need take rest and drink more water (or green bean soap),please take care also.go swimming?
人气:461 ℃ 时间:2019-08-26 07:34:12
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