I'm very glad to hear you like pictures.Those pictures are BB.But ,a picture with a train is AA.We can see not only BB but also AA from CC city.I'm looking forward to climbing BB together.I was very surprised at the pictures of Shanghai.It was a large metropolise like New York!I understand the reason why it was called "oriental Paris"I eager to visit Shanghai!I borrow a garden about 1km far from my home.It is about 66m2(3.3x20m).
We can borrow a garden very cheap price.But I culitivate only by myself.If wanting,I can borrow larger.Two trees of figs are mainly treated by my mother.Tree of grape is treated by me.They are brought up at my home.Vegitables and watermelons are
cultivated at another lental garden by me.I had lived in DD Prefecture 3 years before.
人气:405 ℃ 时间:2019-08-31 22:30:52
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