> 英语 >
Tina t________ lots of photos and she did something e_________ .She m_________ Jake Dean ,a f_________ actor ,but she didn’t g_________ his a___________.Laura got it but Tina took his p_________ .At the aquarium,Tina only s_________ two actors .Tony w _____ a prize in the Gift Shop .Tina _____ ______ ( not ,win ) that hat so she had to b______ it .
人气:155 ℃ 时间:2020-05-20 15:50:40
Tina【took】lots of photos and she did something【exciting】.She【met】Jake Dean ,a 【famous】actor ,but she didn’t【get】his【autograph】.Laura got it but Tina took his 【picture】.At the aquarium,T...
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