1.I read the book last week,but now it is( )(哪也找不到了)
nowhere to find
not found anywhere
2.Hardly had John finished his introductory remark( )(他就被听众打断了)
when he was interrupted by the audience
when he was broken by the listener.
3.If the reaction were to take place,( )(巨大的能量就会被释放出来)
a tremendous amount of energy would be released
strong energy would be released
4.Yesterady Jane left the meeting early .Otherwise ,she( )(可能会说一些后来会懊悔的话)
might have said something she would regret later
might have said something she felt regret later
5.This is the first time I ( )(听到他们用法语交流).
have heard them communicating with each otherin French
have listen to their translation in French
人气:148 ℃ 时间:2020-06-25 14:38:40
1、如果后半句写成but now i cannot find it anywhere也可以,但是你的答案总是怪怪的,2、interrupted 特指打断、打扰、中断的意思,audience特指观众;3、a tremendous amount of 用来修饰energy表示巨大的,语气比str...
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