The Word of the Day for July 5th is ponderous,spelled P-O-N-D-E-R-O-U-S.Ponderous is an adjective that means of very great weight.It can also mean unwieldy or dumsy bcuz of weight and size,or appressively unpleasantly dull,lifeless.Here is the word used in a sentence.
“Electronic texts can be updated at the speed of a download rather than waiting for the next editon of a ponderous textbook.”
“Pnderous”is ultimately frm the Latin word for “weight”,namely,”pondus”whichalsogiveusthewords “ponder”and ”preponderance”and is related to the word “pound”.We adopted “ponderous” in the literal sense “Heavy” from Anglo-French in the 15th century,and early on we appended Figurative sense of “weighty”,tht is “serious” or “important”.But we stopped using the “serious” sense of “ponderous” around 2000 yrs ago-----Perhaps bcuz in the meantime we’d imposed on it a different figurative sense of “dull and lifeless”which we still use today.
I’m Peter Sokolowski wirh ur Word of the Day.
人气:423 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 23:07:04