Be with you、
Doesn't mind you shout ai me .
Envisions the whole of you .
Forever stand by you .
Gives you what you needed.
Hope you enjoy your life.
Keeps you close at heart.
Learn to konw you .
Makes a difference in your life.
Never makes you cry.
Offers support.
Put you in my heart.
Quiets your fears.
Run with you .
Sing a song for you.
Facifurn knight.Understands you.
Vakves you.
Walks besides you.
XL love.
You're all the time so addictive.
Zeal for you .
At here waifing for you .
人气:155 ℃ 时间:2020-01-06 13:59:38
Be with you、和你在一起Doesn't mind you shout ai me .不在乎你对我大喊大叫Envisions the whole of you .Forever stand by you .永远支持你Gives you what you needed.给你所需要的东西Hope you enjoy your life....
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