> 英语 >
1.Seen in this light,the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.
2.Opened in 1986 ,this big book store is 100 meters tall.
3.Before long,through the door came a tall,unimpressive-looking man of about 40.
4.Most important,we are going to try to really get interested in reading and writing.
5.At this very moment,I am filled with mixed feelings.
6.I am told that many graduates from our college are making their contributions to the construction of Tianjin now.
7.It doesn't matter what courses you take,just find out the great professors.
8.The city goverment has convinced the public that the housing problem will soon be solved.
9.Having graduated from Tianhai Professional College in Tianjin,I succeeded in finding a job at Motorola.
10.My first workday was not as busy as I had expected.
11.I attribute my success to the experience of my first workday at Motorola in Tianjin.
人气:490 ℃ 时间:2020-06-24 01:31:43
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