Performance evaluation...o(1),O(n),O(n?2),O(logn)?
hi therelet say that i have 400 entry in mara in devconsidering that i am using select single on mara.what is the order of performance associated to this select single?it is O(n)?i.e.400 entry ±= 400 seconds => 33000 entry ±= 33000 seconds?it is O(n?2)?i.e.400 entry ±= 160k seconds => 33000 entry ±= 1089M seconds?any places i can find this kind of info for differents calls?i would like to know approximatly the time it takes before it go in prod or even in QA...thanks
人气:386 ℃ 时间:2020-09-30 02:50:01
It really depends on how good your DBA is and how tuned the database is? The same query can run in very different amounts of time based on the optimization of the database at the time of the run.查...
- 证明:当n>2时,logn (n-1)*logn(n+1)
- O(n*n)和O(n*logn)
- 已知 n>1且n属于N* ,求证logn(n+1)>logn+1(n+2)
- 设n属于N,n>1,求证logn (n+1)>logn+1 (n+2)
- O(n) O(logN) O(nlogn)各表示什么意思啊
- 如何用一个质量为m的钩码,一把刻度尺,一只铅笔和一些细绳来测量一根长1米左右粗细均匀的细木棒的质量
- 257,198,259,173,261,168,263,()
- 如图所示,一物块在恒定的水平拉力F的作用下,沿水平地面10s内匀速前进了5m,拉力做了50J的功.求: (1)物块的速度; (2)拉力做功的功率; (3)物块受到地面的摩擦力.