Political risk means the political environment or condition of the technological innovation activities' area brings uncertainty totechnological innovation.The probability of occurrence
and stability of policy of wars,civil strife, strike are mainly included, what are closely related to the development of companies. What makes the policy of science and technology different is political environment. Policy and law risk includes the surport and blocking effects of policy and law to technological innovation, the variation of industrial policy and investment orientation,the stability and continuity of policy made by the government towards direct investment, the flawless oflabor law,commercial law,patent law,investment risk management method and so on. Technological innovation may encounter law risks, that is to say the governmet will adopt something called "after the measures","the arrangement of law"to restrict the production and the sale of use of some technological innovation products. For example, in recent years,some innovation companies a home and abroad or even some old companies wereexploiting genetically modified products which was prohibited by explicit order to sell.Thus,all theinvestment of the technological innovation are probably become sunk cost,and the innovator can receive noprofit from his innovative technology.
人气:477 ℃ 时间:2020-03-24 00:50:44
misunderstanding是名词 此处应该用动词misunderstand 看意思应该是过去的事了 所以用misunderstanded;"you want how much" 中国人的思维才是这样的 应该是