按要求完成句子.仿照例子改写下列句子.英汉互译 按要求完成句子
1:They are apples.(改为单数句)
2:Don'tgive me that pen.(改为肯定句)
3:Pass her a nice dress(改为否定句)
4:Wehave some English books(改为单数句)
5:I want a new school bag.(改为否定句) I ( )( ) a new school bag.
6:Mrs White has two cars.(two 对划线部分提问)()()cars does Mrs White()?
7:When is ( ) (补充问句)答句:It's on October 31.
8:She is a woman worker.(改为复数句)
例:You may eat this apple.Eat this apple,please!
1:You may pass me that knife .
2:You can give him an eraser
3:You must go now
4:You must be quiet
1:The deer is short .She can't reach the leaves.
2:The barking dog comes out .The little girl runs away
1:She is in Row Four (Four对划线部分提问)
2:He says he knows you.(改为否定句)
3:They are under the chair( under the chair划线部分提问)
4:This is his pencil(改为复数句)
5:There are two balls under the bed(under the bed对划线部分提问)
人气:155 ℃ 时间:2020-04-25 18:52:23
1:It is anapple
2:please give me that pen.(改为肯定句)
3:Don't pass her a nicedress(改为否定句)
4:I have an English book(改为单数句)
5:I don't want a new school bag.(改为否定句)I ( don't )(want) a new schoolbag.
6:Mrs White has two cars.(two对划线部分提问)(how)(many)carsdoesMrsWhite()?
7:When is (it )?(补充问句)答句:It's on October 31.
8:They arewomenworkers.(改为复数句)
例:You may eat this apple.Eatthis apple,please!
1:pass methat knife, please!
2: give him an eraser, please !
3: go now ,please!
4: be quiet,please!
1:The deer isshort .She can't reachtheleaves.:这只鹿很矮,她够不着树叶.
2:The barking dog comes out . Thelittlegirlrunsaway 狗狂叫着出来.这个小女孩跑掉了
3:那些灯看起来像天空里的星星.Those lights look like the stars in the sky.
4:我可以进来吗,杨老师?May I come in, please, master Yang?
1:She is in Row Four (Four对划线部分提问)which row is she in?
2:Hesays he knows you.(改为否定句) he doesn't say he knows you
3:They are under the chair( under the chair划线部分提问)where are they
4:This is his pencil(改为复数句)those are his pencils
5:Therearetwoballsunder thebed(under thebed对划线部分提问)where are the two balls
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