It was on the morning of 15th March______I met Henry on the way.我在考试啊!
考试中呢!It was on the morning of 15th March______I met Henry on the way.
A the time B on which C while D that
人气:116 ℃ 时间:2020-06-03 02:20:56
选D,先考试吧就不跟你细说了.回头可以问我He is unable to answer the question about the new text. He ______ it yesterday.A must have previewedB ought to have previewedC ought to previewed D should previewHow many radios will this factory ______ this year?a、multiplyb、measurec、manufacture d、publish帮帮忙吧。最后两题了。。好的,B和C,还有不确定可以发来好了。非常感谢。英语结束了,我该考语文了。。
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