> 英语 >
A:What are you going to tomorrow?
B:I have no .What you?
A:I’m going fishing my uncle
B:Great.Is very interesting,I
A:Yes,Would you to go with us?
B:Yes.But where are we going to
A:meet in my house.My has a boat.He can us fishing on the of the lake
B:shall we leave?
A:Let’s leave in the morning?So we can have more to fish.
B:OK.See you tomorrow.
A:See you then.
人气:387 ℃ 时间:2020-03-28 18:50:24
A:What are you going to do tomorrow?B:I have no ideas.What about you?A:I’m going fishing with my uncleB:Great.It is very interesting,it is not?A:Yes,Would you like to go with us?B:Yes.But where are w...
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