What do you think is the scientific way to set up goals?
think 后面为什么不是it is the scientific way to set up goals 而是直接is the scientific way to set up goals 为神马?是什么从句?
人气:157 ℃ 时间:2020-01-13 16:02:08
What(do you think) is the scientific way to set up goals?
do you think 是 插入语,可以把他去掉而不 影响句子的原意.剩下的就是一个What is the scientific way to set up goals?这样你 就能理解了吧,
英语中插入语的想象很普遍,用于征求意见或表示委婉插入语在句子中一般怎么插?可以随便插吗?一般情况就是你这个句子里的用法;也可放在句尾。What is the scientific way to set up goals,(do you think)?其他类似的插入语:It is ,they said, a good movie.这里they said 也是插入语。
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