关于互联网影响人的社交:第一段:As the technologies advanced, more and more peoplebecome more socialize online but communicate less with the actual people aroundthem. Back in time, we chat with our fa...很感谢您!
People in the past enjoy outhood activities and social hours within the real world, while the people living in modern period begin to change negaitively.Peoplespend more and more time on internet and social Medias. Once we’re online, we’remostly killing time. Every day after school we rush through all activities and immediatelygo online to chat with those who we might not even know much of. We know nolonger spend our time dealing with the live people, but rather with those whohide their faces behind screens and pretend to be friendly. Our lives are beingstained by the internet as we communicate less and less with real people inreal world.