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Task 1,题目是剑6的30页
Given is a line chart revealing some data over the water requirement worldwide and the consumption of water in two different nations were shown by the graph.
As can be seen from the line chart,we can see obviously that the water need for agriculture is the most highest (3000 Km³finally) and there is a sharp growth from 500 to 3000 Km³between 1950 and 2000.On the other hand,the period between 1900 and 1950 witnessed a level off in the water requirement of industrial use and domestic use.In addition,the water need of industrial use is higher than that of domestic use.
The graph gives a breakdown of water consumption in Brazil and Congo.It is easy to see that population and irrigated land of Brazil is much more than that of Congo,so the individual Water demand is.
What is also worth mentioning is that the population and irrigated land is directly proportional to the individual water consumption if we analyze this issue by another view.
人气:404 ℃ 时间:2020-04-28 21:55:06
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