Electric power and our life电力和我们生活
The twenty-first century,today is a giant advance scientific and technological development,such as age,power,space technology and so has made gratifying achievements.In particular,store development,and even more by leaps and bounds.Our lives have been electricity,electrical appliances surrounded by,it became inseparable from our human partners.
"Electric" is Greek in the West,meaning amber turn from the word,but in our country is a phenomenon arising from the lightning.Later,from the 18th century,the study of electrical increasingly prosperous lives it gives us a lot of convenience.Later,lamp,telephone,TV are also followed,then the power not more important?No electricity,and light dark,and we can not see anything in the night; no electricity,and rice cookers on strike,and we have to use cooking gas trouble:no electricity,and television angry,we can not see across the Atlantic the news.
I suddenly feel just how lucky,how happy,living in this age of advanced electric power,do not worry because of tensions with the point of blackout.I think that the future development of electricity will be as I grow more and more progress.Electricity growth,and with me!