> 英语 >
I have three good friends.Insome ways we are the same.But in some ways we have many difference.Such as in music.We all have we own like.Frist,Ilike classical music.Because it made me relaxed and it will let my modd be better.Marry likes country music.Because she thinks it is relaxing.Mike is acool boy.So he likes pop music.He thinks it is interesting.But I am afraid I don not think so.She told me that she likes rock music and dance music.These are all of our favorite music.By the way,what about you?
人气:444 ℃ 时间:2020-05-06 20:27:28
I have three good friends.In some way we are the same as each other.But in another way we have many differences.Such as ones (differences)in music.We all have our own likes and dislikes.Fristiy,I like classical music.Because it make me feel relaxed and it can better my mood .While Marry likes country music.She thinks it is relaxing.Mike is acool boy.So he likes pop music.He thinks it is interesting.But I am afraid I do not think so.She told me that she liked rock music and dance music.These are all kinds of our favorite music.By the way,what about you?
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