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人气:320 ℃ 时间:2020-07-11 10:14:18
Rain 雨
Rain is falling all around,雨儿在到处降落,
It falls on field and tree,它落在田野和树梢,
It rains on the umbrella here,它落在这边的雨伞上,
And on the ships at sea.又落在航行海上的船只.
Go,and catch a falling star,(Go:诗以祈使句开始,如同对话;catch a falling star:抓住陨星,寓不可能之意) 去,抓颗流星
Get with child a mandrake root,(使曼德拉草怀胎成孕)让人行草怀孕
Tell me,where all past years are,(时光无影无踪)告诉我,过去的日子在哪里
Or who cleft the Devil's foot,(美人鱼要求巫婆将鱼尾变作人腿,CLEFT 是CLEAVE劈开的过去式形式之一)是谁劈开这邪恶的腿
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,(mermaid 美人鱼;- 巫婆要求美人鱼将美妙的嗓音送给她作为回报,从此美人鱼再也无法说话和歌唱)教我听懂美人鱼的歌声
Or to keep off envy's stinging,(‘如冰水好空相妒’《红楼梦》,看来中西方看法一致)赶走嫉妒的恶臭
And find 去弄清
What wind 哪阵风
Serves to advance an honest mind.提拔老实人( 老外中国人都喜欢借东风)
If thou beest born to stranges sights,如果你天生异眼
Things invisible to see,能见人所不能见
Ride ten thousand days and nights,那就策马赶路,一万昼夜不停
Till age snow white hairs on thee,(“直到你的发线,有了岁月的痕迹”,这和我们地道的中文流行歌曲如出一辙)直到发丝如经年白雪
Thou,when thou return'st,wilt tell me 你回来时将会告诉我
All strange wonders that befell thee,(befell thee=HAPPEN TO YOU)你遇见的怪事.
And swear 发誓说
No where
Lives a woman true,and fair.(真实美丽/ 公平?的女人不存在)
If thou find'st one,let me know,假如你找到一个,一定要告诉我
Such a pilgrimage were sweet;这样的朝圣之旅芬芳无比;
Yet do not,I would not go,还是别了,我是不会走你的路的
Though at next door we might meet; 即使我和她近如比邻;(天涯若比邻的反语 - 奇了)
Though she were true when you met her;尽管当你俩相遇那一刻她是真的
And last till you write your letter,(这份真诚)也就能保持到你写信给她这一刻
Yet she
Will be
False,ere I come,to two,or three (ERE = BEFORE)在我见到她之前,她将又错了,二三个
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