> 英语 >
1.Such training was common in acting families at this time,especially when the family income was often uncertain.请问这个句子中为什么“acting”是动名词?
2.There is something in the box.请问为什么这个句子中“in the box”做的是补语?
不好意思~第二个句子我记错了。应该是为什么These things should be kept in the box.中的“in the box”做的是补语?
人气:297 ℃ 时间:2020-06-09 11:17:07
1.Such training was common in acting families at this time,especially when the family income was often uncertain.请问这个句子中为什么“acting”是动名词?
也有可能是形容词 如:the acting President
还有可能本身就是一个名词:the art of representing a character, esp. on a stage or for a film.
从a sleeping car = a car for sleeping 知,动名词作定语表示“用途”
而a sleeping boy= a boy who is sleeping 知,现在分词作定语表示“主动并(或)进行”.
这里我看不用是用途(acting families families for acting)
更象是主动:acting families= families who act (表演的家庭),所以我认为是现在分词.
现在的语法学家没这么细心,只说动词的-ing 形式.
2.There is something in the box.请问为什么这个句子中“in the box”做的是补语?
答:there is sth. in some place.中的介词短语in some place是作地点状语的.表示“在.地方”有某物.
there is sb./ sth. +介词短语,是一个句型,与主系表句型不是同一个.
且there be...= there exists...,be表示“存在”,就如To be or not to be中的be一样,不是系动词.
所以一般说它是地点状语,如果是there is a film in the evening.则为时间状语.
哦哦~不好意思~第二个句子我记错了.应该是为什么These things should be kept in the box.中的“in the box”做的是补语?
答:是的,是主语的补足语.主动语态是:We should keep these things in the box.
这句话中的in the box显然不是说“我们应该在箱子里去做某事”,也就是说,in the box不是用来修饰谓语动词keep的地点状语,而是作宾语these things的补足语的.宾语和宾补在逻辑上有主表关系:These things are in the box.
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