Alice Nichols多少岁了
希望可以帮到你,有不懂的还可以问我^^这是阅读,你帮我找这篇阅读的答案吧!太难了,我不会啊!呵呵165her favorite subjects are geography and English. no,she hates listening to hours of talk about football. she thinks its just so boring!she often goes to the beach in herfree time. she loves just sitting around and talking to friends.ok ,done呵呵,希望可以帮到你,有不懂的还可以问我^^ 我也不知道我找到的阅读,是不是你要的大概是吧!how long has alice nichols studiedat the privateschool?答案是什么?5年啊就是第二题I’m a student at a private(私立的)school. I’ve been at the same school for five years now,