The Chairman first introduced the members of our Planing Team; and than explained to the Sale Team how the Planing Team should co-operate with them in future, and reminded that from there on all Sale Contract should add into the cost of Plaining.
Scope of work:
- Steven shall oriandate Tina to help her familiarise with the environment and set a Working Plan for her.
- Ave shall exlplain to Tina in detail about the corperate culture of the two branches, the style and prior references, so as to help Tina better understand the different between these two companies. At the same time, Ave and Tina shall meet the suppliers and work out PPT for the two respective company, to feature its characteristics.
- We have yet to finalize our supplier, may the Purchasing Department promptly decide. We also like to suggest that the Purchasing Department to short-list two more suppliers as back-up.
- We met two bidders last Friday, Purchasing Department kindly arrange 2nd round of meeting with these suppliers, and inform them to prepare the agenda before the meeting.