Some countries have a large number of earthquakes.______ do not have many, for example, there are
56.A. OtherB.Others C.The other D.The others
57.A.fewB.severalC.someD.a few
58. A. movesB. jumpsC. pushesD. beats
59. A. thousand B. a thousand C. the thousands D. thousands
60. A. at B. on C. under D. to
61. A. form B. destroyC. changeD. fall
62. A. give B. move C. takeD. break
63. A. rock B. earthquake C. sea D. volcano
64. A., fearB. afraid C. large D. terrible
65. A. This B. That C. ItD. Thus
人气:218 ℃ 时间:2019-08-18 21:34:58
But others
- Some countries have a large number of earthquakes.______ do not have many,for example,there are ______ earthquakes in Br
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- I have some large pads of writing paper.变一般疑问句
- I have some large size envelopes.改为否定句
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- 3,2,-5,-13怎么算出24点
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- 已知等边三角形ABC中,D.E分别在BC.BA的延长线上,且BD=AE.证明;CE=DE.
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- i would like to ask for a three-day leave.--------,we have lots of work to do .