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Space travel to moon was once regarded as a big step for the mankind.Some people think it made little difference to our daily lives.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
When it comes to whether government and scientists should pour great attention to the exploration of space travel to moon,some critics are strongly against it,claiming it has nothing change for our daily life,even aggravates people’s tax burden.However,from long-term perspective,it will extremely valuable for our mankind.
One of the clear advantage is that human obtain a great opportunity to search more useful resources such as new fuel materials,new species and so on.Nowadays,people are obliged to face the plight of the crisises of energy shortage and air pollution brought by car exhaust.Nevertheless,there is lots of clear energy which has been testified by scientists on the moon.Therefore,obviously,the travel to moon is undoubtedly beneficial for human’s future life.
What matters even more is that if one day the dream of living on the moon becomes true,we will no longer be worried about the issue of population explosion.On balance,space travel to moon is not only rewarding for our daily life in the future,but also for the development of mankind.
However,some people are not in favor of such travel,worrying too much money spent in exploring the moon,it may contribute to no enough budget for citizens’ welfare,such as healthcare and education.Their argument,in part,holds true.Space travel to moon,in fact,occupied some of the money needed for benefits.It can leave the government short of budget for normal welfare.Hence,I’d like to say it seems government should be responsible for limiting the cost in reasonable scope.
Eventually,space researches should be encouraged,providing this is done within specified cost and does not interfere with the demand of welfare.Today’s investment must get rewards in time.
人气:130 ℃ 时间:2020-05-14 19:57:01
"claiming it has nothing change for our daily life," 改changing.it will extremely valuable for our mankind.改 it will be extremely...One of the clear advantage is that human obtain a great opportunity...
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