There is a big supermarket near Tom's home.It t______ him only five minutes to get there..整篇阅读
人气:420 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 12:05:02
- Tom home five minutes ago.A .got to
- Tom is seven.He goes to school every day.The school is near his home.So he goes there on foot and comes back home on tim
- No,it isn't,It's quiet near.It will take you only five minutes to go there on_________.
- 连词成句 1 only,to,minutes,it,me,there,takes,ten,get(.) 2 lives,two,school,kilometers,from,Lucy(.) 3 far,your,is,to,it,from,
- 同义句 In his family ,there is nobody but Tom at home .In his family ,Tom is ___ at home.
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