> 英语 >
many of our winter customs go back to roman times and before.one of these is the custom of collecting evergreens___the house.the people of ancient rome worshipped the sun and they believed satum to be the god all growing things.hisspecial festival ___(hold) in the middle of winter.the romans decorated their house___ the branches of evergreen trees and bushes to remind saturn___(send) crops and plants as food the following spring.this festival was called saturnalia and___ was the custom to give evergreen plants___presents.in northern ceremonies in winter there is little sun and the days are short.people used to light dires ___ hold ceremonies at this time of year,hoping to give the sun back ___ strength.as time went by,people gradually stopped worshipping saturn and the sun ____ they continued with many of the ancient winter customs.in many countries the christmas tree is now___(tradition) and people often light candles to brighten up their homes.
人气:277 ℃ 时间:2020-04-16 11:35:39
for;was held;with;to send;it;as;to,with;but;traditional;
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