Dear editor I am a high school sudent 开头的 短文改错.
短文改错?Just a few days before ,one of my close friend told me that he was going to stop the school .he said that he wanted to start his own business ,I tried my best to get him change his mind ,but i failed .i know it's difficult for him to go on with his studies because he isn't doing so good at them ,i insisted that he have a trying .the process is more important than the result ,now there are only ninety days left before the examination,i am not sure that his decision is right or wrong ,i really needed your advice
人气:307 ℃ 时间:2019-12-24 10:11:48
one of my close friend --> one of my close friends one of my close friend told me that --> one of my close friend had told me that he isn't doing so good at them --> he isn't so good at them have a tr...
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