The Business Card:a Social Faux Pas
You,like most people,probably have been in such a situation where you are being asked for a business card,and while reaching for it ...and...oops..."I'm sorry,I must be out at the moment"or"they must be in my other bag"or"I left them at the office,I'm sorry,"and the conversation cotinues on with some sort of story about how this never happens to me"or"I know I was forgetting something this morning..."
Missed connections are missed oppportunities for business,Business card one a useful morketing tod,and an easy one to have with you at all times.Not having your cards can be seen as being unprepared to market yourself and your business.Don't start that new contact leaving them thinking"that person is already unprepared".
"Never leave home without it..."There are so many things we often have to remember in this go-go world we are living in...but your business.Don't start that new contact leaving them thinking"that person is already unprepared".
"Never leave home without it..."There are so many things we often have to remember in this go-go world we are living in...but your business cards should ALWAYS be with you.
Here are a few tips for you to go take care of this right now,so you don't get caught in this situation.
If you don't have a job,get Networking Cards.
If you are employed,and haven't had new cards in 2 or more years,it could be time for an update:info update and photo update...
Perhaps set a goal of handing out 5 cards a day.
Practice what you will when handing them out.On a daily basis,there are so many opportunities to do so.Grocery store lines,coffee shops,waiting on your car wash ,meetings ,and even the dog park
Ask your network to network with and for you also by handing out a few
Work smarter ,not necessarily harder
人气:189 ℃ 时间:2020-03-09 08:27:05
名片:一个社会的谎言你,和大多数人一样,很可能经历过在这样的情况:你被索要名片,当你伸手去找时......哎呀...“我很抱歉,我的用完了“ 或者”他们可能在我别的衣服口袋里“,或”抱歉,我把它们落在办公室了“,然后...您回答的这句话不通缺成分,我仔细看了一下书,我发现我没有打错,我不知道为什么缺失成分?Business card one a useful morketing tod,and an easy one to have with you at all times.这句话的谓语是什么?还有morketing tod全都是typo吧后面你补充的:Practice what you will,这后面缺个动词,我按do翻译了排练一下你递名片时会做什么。以天为单位,每天这样的机会数不胜数。在超市排队,在咖啡店,等着车洗好,会议,甚至(dog park这肯定少东西,我又按我的理解翻了)在公园遛狗。Ask your network to network with and for you also by handing out afew ! (这句话已经不知道run on成什么了……)通过递出几张名片,让你的社交网络活跃起来!更聪明地工作,不一定需要更努力。