> 英语 >
人气:479 ℃ 时间:2020-03-30 14:10:53
()1.What ______the women _______over there?
A is , doB are ,doing C is , doing D. are do
()2.--Are you playing basketball?--______.
A Yes, IamB No, you are C Yes, I do D No,you don’t
()3.I want _______the room. Could you please _____me?
A to clean; to help B cleaning; helping
C to clean; helpD clean ; to help
()4.Bill doesn’t like cooking _____cleaning.
A and B orC but D so
()5.--_______does your mother do? --She is a doctor.
A How B Who C What D Where
()6.____Lin Tao and Li Lei want to swim?
A Are B Do C Does D Is
()7.He likes_______and ______football.
A singing; playsB sing; playing
C singing; playingD sing; play
()8.--________are the students playing basketball?
--On the playground(操场)
A What B Where C HowD Why
()9.I play volleyball_________.
A every daysB every of dayC every weekD everyday
()10.I see a lotof money, but it’s not________money.
A I B my C mineD me
A Where do you teachB Are you good at Chinese
C What do you teach D Do you teach Chinese
()12.--What is he? --________.
A He works in a bankB He is working a police station
C He’sa waiter D He’s a man
()13.Is there a school_______Children___5-8 ?
A of ; for B for; for C for ; of D of; of
()14What ______subjects does he like?
A others B anotherC otherD the others
()15.--______these tigers _______from?
A Where ;are B What; are C Where; comeD Where are; /
()16.I like dogs because they are______ friendly.
A a kind ofB kinds of C kind of D a kind
()17.Look! The pandas _____leaves over there.
A eatB eating C are eatingD eats
()18.I don’t like the big bear, because it’s_____.
A smartB beautifulC funnyD ugly
()19.There is a police station________.
A on my way home B on my way to home
C at my way home D at my way to home
()20._________is the way ________the bank?
A Where, toB What ;to C Which; toD Which ;of
()21.You can find the market _______this street.
A at B from C onD between
()22.Li lei with his friends often ______to the zoo to see animals.
A goB will goC goesD is going
()23.Don’t play____ fire(火). It’s very dangerous.
A / B the C aD with
()24.How can he ________the new district?
A get toB arrivingC arrive D get
()25.You can ____some music here.
A listen B see C enjoyD look at
()26.--When did you come to this school?--_______2000
A On B At C In D From
()27.--Do you know the student _______David and Jeff?
--Yeah. It’s Jim.
A amongB in C betweenD around
()28.______so much noise? It may wake up the baby.
A Why not make B Why make
C Why not to makeD Why don’t make
()29.Do you know the boy sitting between Peter and ____?
A sheB IC hisD me
()30.They arrive _____Beijing _______the morning of July 7th.
A at; on B in; on C at; in D in; in
(cycle, lie, swim, drink, watch, sing, wife, look, do, have)
1. do you want ()tv in the evening
2. the children like ()on the beach
3. i enjoy going ()in the river
4. we're going to go ()on sunday
5. would you like something ( )
6. how about( )a bird's eve view of shanghai
7. many ()do a lot of housework in china
8. listen! jane ()in the classroom now
9. ( ) he ( )a lot of homework in the evening
10. they ( )forward to seeing the film
三、 单项选择:(共15分)( )1.Hello, 7894153. __________ Mr. Smith. A. I’m B. This is C. That is D. He’s ( ) 2. What class ______ Xiao Ma and Xiao Li in? A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 3.Is _______ mother an English teacher? A. you B. he’s C. her D. she ( ) 4.Kate is ______ English girl. But her friend is _____ Japanese girl. A. a; an B. an; a C. an; an D. a; a ( ) 5.We are in Class 4. We are in _______ grade. A. a same B. same C. the same D. / ( ) 6. What ____ 12 and 13? _______ 25. A. is; It’s B. are; It’s C. is; Its D. are; Its ( ) 7. -Thank you very much. -___________________. A. No thanks B. That’s right C. All right D. That’s all right ( ) 8. Those are _______. A. they box B. their boxes C. they boxes D. their boxs ( ) 9. -Are these your books? -Yes, __________. A. these are B. they’re C. they are D. it is ( ) 10. Welcome ___________. A. to home B. home C. our home D. to our home ( ) 11. - Who’s that woman? - _______________. A. She isn’t a doctor B. She’s a nice woman C. She’s my teacher D. She’s a Chinese. ( ) 12._________. Where’s Kate, please? A. Sorry B. OK C. Hello D. Excuse me ( ) 13. - _______? - I’m in Row Five. A. Are you in Row Five B. What Row are you in C. What row are you D. What row are you in ( ) 14. - How do you do? - ___________ A. Hello! B. How are you? C. How do you do? D. Thank you. ( ) 15. -How are you? - _________. A. No. I am not fine B. Yes, I am fine C. How are you D. I am fine.
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