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人们普遍认为科学家能够而且应该做的一件事就是抵制新闻媒体对这一发明肆意夸大和炒作的倾向.(it is ...that...)
据我所知,他打篮球并不比我们大多数人好或糟.(no adj -er/more adj.than)
多年以来,大家一直在争论考试是否应该用其他的评估形式取代.(debate n.)
和他的朋友一样,他草率地做出一个决定.(rush as)
尽管他父亲竭力劝阻他成为酿酒师,但他注定最终成为了一名酿酒师.(as much as ,dissuade)
我妈妈在清理抽屉时,偶然发现了一些我爷爷的旧照片.(clean out,come across)
如何把消息传出去是他们现在面临的最大困难.(hurdle,get the word out)
该是告诉学生们的时候了:知识本身并不代表力量,应用只是才是力量所在.(it is time that)
显然,就这么大一栋房子而言,价格相当便宜,不过你得考虑维修上花的钱.(apparent,take into consideration)
人气:347 ℃ 时间:2020-04-07 15:39:07
It is widely believed that scientists can and should do one thing is to resist the news media for this invention is wanton exaggerated and hype tendency
As far as I know, he is not playing basketball than most of us are good or bad
They should make public understanding of the project can be predicted benefits
For years, people have been debate test whether should use other evaluation form replaced
Most scientists indispensability of society has a sense of responsibility, but they can about the extent to which the results of application is another matter
And his friends, as he into making a decision
Although his father tried to dissuade him to become a winemaker, but he was destined to finally became a winemaker
My mother was cleaning drawer accidentally discovered some of my grandpa's old photos
Leave luxurious office to become a winemaker like in mountaineering: exciting, coltish, and scary.
How the news spread is that they are now facing the greatest difficulty
This is to tell the students that knowledge itself does not represent power, application just how much power
If you want to succeed, you should not stop learning
Obviously, is such a large house is concerned, the price is fairly cheap, but you have to consider maintenance on money
He cleaned the please his throat and said "we are living in a globalized age."
Agricultural income and the year before last year almost increase of ten percent
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