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Learning in such a network proceeds the same way as for perceptrons:example inputs are presented to the network,and if the network computes an output vector that matches the target,nothing is done.If there is an error (a difference between the output and target),then the weights are adjustec to reduce this error.The trick is to assess the blame for an error and divide it among the contributing weights.In perceptrons,this is easy because there is only one weight between each input and the output.But in multilayer networks.There are many weights connecting each input to an output,and each of these weights contributes to more than one output.
The back-propagation algorithm is a sensibly approach to dividing the contribution of each weight.As in the perceptron learning algorithm,we try to minimize the error between each target output and the output actually computed by the network.At the output layer,the weight update rule is very similar to the rule for the perceptron.There are two differences:the activation of the hidden unit aj is used instead of the input value; and the rule contains a term for the gradient of the activation function.If Erri is the error (Ti-Oi) at the output node,then the weight update rule for the link from unit j to unit i is
人气:429 ℃ 时间:2019-12-12 00:38:53
看到BP了,如果不出所料应该是神经网络的内容不要相信翻译软件,帮你重翻了一遍:术语:weight 权重hidden unit 隐层Learning in such a network proceeds the same way as for perceptrons: example inputs are prese...
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