你句子没写完,有问题再给我留言. Some will feel dizzy or tired, some will suffer from lack of sleep, and some will lose their appetite. In fact, all these symptoms have terrible effects on our exams and we are all eager to get rid of them. First of all, in my opinion, it’s important for us to have a right attitude toward exams. 请翻译全有些人还会感到茫然,感到疲惫,一些人会失去食欲。实际上,这些情形(症状)会对我们的考试产生非常不理的影响,我们都想走出这种困境。在看我来,首先我们要对考试有正确的态度。希望能帮到你^_^,觉得好的话记得采纳哦!