> 英语 >
人气:252 ℃ 时间:2020-06-06 11:08:03
Leonardo Da Vinci, a giant in the Italian Renaissance, is a distinguishedpainter as well as a sculptor and architector in human history, possessing the characteristics of both as a outstanding artist and natural scientist. He left footprint in every disciplines as a all-round developed person.This project is centered on Da Vinci's aesthetic thought to discuss whetherhis aesthetic system exists.
我翻到“探讨是否存在”那儿.你“主要通过~~~具体表现以及内容”这句中文有问题,你自己再看看怎么改.另外一楼的姑娘?兄弟?别欺负人家英文不好恩,是的噢,我们老师还要我们拿给中文系的看下有没有语法错误的,可是我没有熟人,要不我改成“主要通过达芬奇的画论,分析他的绘画美学思想在画论中的具体表现之处”我看了一下我的翻译,好像还蛮多a 要用an的,汗~~~你可以把这个句子拆开来。恩,比如说“主要通过分析达·芬奇的理论著作《论绘画》,从人文主义的美论、科学的角度和自然科学这三角度分析其绘画美学思想在画论中的具体表现。”能不能明天就翻好给我啊,我们快交了噢,有点小着急啦Leonardo Da Vinci, a giant in the Italian Renaissance, is a distinguishedpainter as well as a sculptor and architector in human history, possessing the characteristics of both as an outstanding artist and natural scientist. He left footprint in every discipline as an all-round developed person.This project is centered on Da Vinci's aesthetic thought to discuss whetherhis aesthetic system exists and through an analysis of his theoretical work Treatise on Painting(书名用斜体)to explore how he embodied his aesthetic thought in the work in three aspects,humanism on beauty, scientific and natural scientific perspectives.
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