Dragon’s Dawn
Roaring fills the air,
reverberating through the night.
Distant roaring echoes the first.
Dragons call to one another.
Reverberating through the night,
deep and calming are these ancient voices.
Dragons, calling to one another,
singing out in the cool night air.
Deep and calming are the dragons’ voices,
full of wisdom and strength.
They sing out in the cool night air,
joining together in harmonious melody.
Full of wisdom and the strength of ages,
dragonsong fills the air.
They join together in harmonious melody,
awakening into being a new day.
Dragonsong fills the air,
music of ages past.
The dragons awaken a new day into being.
Guardians of night and day, of past and present.
Music of ages past.
Timeless is the dragons’ roaring song.
Guardians of night and day, of past and present.
Creatures as ageless as the world itself.
Timeless is the dragons’ roar,
voice of the gods themselves.
Dragons—ageless as the world.
Heralds of a new day.
Voice of the gods themselves,
that is the dragons’ song.
Herald to a new day.
Roaring fills the air.
人气:338 ℃ 时间:2020-05-19 23:27:19
想起来也许太迟了给你翻的.= = whatever,百度hi 你了,有空去看看吧.我没有收到 能再发一份过来吗