> 英语 >
the noise …… 英文改错(八年级)
1.the noise became real loud at the moment
2.in a stormy evening his car crashed into a big tree
3.there will be very foggy tomorrow morning
4.it was hot yesterday.but today the temperature began to drop little
5.his father asked him why he wanted it for
6.did you hear from the earthquake that happened in Britain last week
7.he got into a bus and went away
8.in Japan,people like to eat uncooked fish.so they are
人气:291 ℃ 时间:2020-10-01 13:46:43
1.The noise was really loud at the moment.把become改为be是因为become具有趋向性,有“噪声变化的趋势”.(可能不用改这一项)real(adj.)很少搭配loud(adj.),应该是really(adv.)修饰loud(adj.)2.On a stormy evening...
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