> 英语 >
帮忙写个英语小对话 要以 初一 二单元 what's zhe matter 为中心的小对话
注意是~小对话~两个人的~~大概每人说5~10句就够了 很急~
我在帮别人问 没事的不回答的~别瞎掺和~
人气:338 ℃ 时间:2020-04-07 20:05:45
A:Hello B,oh ,you look so tired,what`s the matter?
B:That`s ok,I was looking for my little dog all the moring.
A:Your dog?What`s the matter with your dog?
B:Well ,I don`t know.When I got up this moring,it`s gone.
A:Oh ,I am sorry to hear that.
B:Forget about it.Oh,A ,what`s your matter with your hair?
A:It`s my mom ,I guess she doesn`t like my long hair,so cut it down.
B:Um...It looks nice ,too.
A:Thank you,have you heard that we will have a new math teacher?
B:Really?Why?What`s the matter with the old one What a pity.I like him very much.
A:I don`t know either,maybe we can ask Tom,he may know
B:OK,let`s go.
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