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Somepeople think that parents should teach children how to be good members ofsociety. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discussthese views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, how to educate children to begood members of society is a hot issue among people. There is a greatcontroversy over whether children should be taught by their parents or beeducated in schools. Both views will be discussed below.

Children educated by their parents may havea good understanding of how to become a good member of society. Because mostparents themselves who are able and willing to teach their children are goodmembers of society. So children can imitate their parents’ behaviours. For example,they can learn how to behave well in different situations, what to say invarious conversations, and how to address themselves decently in all sorts ofvenues.

On the other hand, schools are places thatdesigned for educating children. There are good facilities, experienced teachersand good social environments in schools, such facts are helpful to children’sdevelopment. By contrast, children who are educated by their parents at homemay not have access to a suitable social environment in which they can makefriends with other children and develop their soft skills.

In my opinion, both parents and schools shouldmake effort to make children become valuable members of society. At home,parents educate children to do things moderate, while in schools, teachersteach children academic knowledge as well as the rules of society. Under sucheducation, children are more likely to become decent members of society.

To sum up, parents as well as schools havethe responsibility to teach children how to be good members of society.
人气:399 ℃ 时间:2020-06-05 11:18:18
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