摘 要:我国农业保险制度经历了巨大的历史变迁,通过制度创新不断得到发展,形成了政府主导的制度变迁路径.本文通过对我国农业保险发展历程的梳理,从历史的角度展开对我国农业保险制度变迁的全方位研究,从国家层面来研究和探讨我国农业保险制度发展变迁和演化的基本特征.通过这种制度分析,形成对我国农业保险制度变迁的一个清晰认识和准确把握,探索我国农业保险创新的基本思路.
人气:404 ℃ 时间:2020-05-19 00:20:51
China's agricultural insurance system has undergone dramatic changes in history,through institutional innovations continue to develop and formed a government-led regime change path.Based on China's agricultural insurance development process of combing,launched from a historical perspective on China's agricultural insurance system changes all the research,from the national level to study and explore the development of China's agricultural insurance system changes and evolution of the basic characteristics.Through this system of analysis,formed on China's agricultural insurance system for changing a clear understanding and accurate grasp,and explore innovative agricultural insurance in China's basic ideas
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