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是Craig David的歌,麻烦把歌词对照翻译好么
人气:139 ℃ 时间:2020-02-03 13:53:15
I've been sitting try to figure out the reasons why 我坐着试图弄明白为什么
I've been sitting try to figure out the reasons why 我坐着试图弄明白为什么
You were always goin' out alone 你总是一个人独自离开
I tought that you were meeting with some other guy 我想你应该去找其他男人了
All those times you weren't at home 用这些不在家的时间
I was wrong,and then I didn't understand 我错了 但我不明白
What you was trying say to me 你试图告诉我什么
I tought that you were bussy making another plans 我想你应该忙着于别的计划
Not those icluding me 那些不包括我
But then I always had to many insecurety 但之后我总是觉得有太多不安全感
Why didn't I just decide to let it be 为什么我就是不能下定决心任它而去
I never should have walked away 我从来都不应该离开(你)
I should have been there for you babe 为了孩子我本应该陪在你身边
I know I handle this all wrong 我知道我处理这些的方式都错了
I sware 我发誓
I didn't know 我不知道该怎么做
Things would never gonna be the same 事情总不会一成不变
And I know I'm the one to blame 我知道我应该被责怪
I've gonna left you torn babe 我让你流泪亲爱的
But I didn't know...但我不知道该怎么做
I remember it so clear when I got the call 我清楚地记得当我接到电话
It was the hospital on the phone 那是医院打来的
They told me that you slipped and had the nasty fall 他们告诉我你滑倒了并狠狠地摔了一跤
And would I come and take you home?现在我是否该把你带回家呢
Now that was bad enough but they had more to say 现在已经够糟了他们还有话要说
Felt like the words came out so slow 感觉话音好慢
I'm afraid she lost her baby 我真怕她会失去肚中的孩子
But she'll be OK 幸好他没事
And I didn't eaven know 我不曾意识到
But now I see 但现在明白了
I should been there that from the start 我本该从开始就守在她身边
Instead of letting it all fall apart 而不是任由这一切破碎
I never should have walked away 我从来都不应该离开(你)
I should have been there for you babe 为了孩子我本应该陪在你身边
I know I handle this all wrong 我知道我处理这些的方式都错了
I sware 我发誓
I didn't know 我不知道该怎么做
Things would never gonna be the same 事情总不会一成不变
And I know I'm the one to blame 我知道我应该被责怪
I've gonna left you torn babe 我让你流泪亲爱的
But I didn't know...但我不知道该怎么做
I didn't know 我不知道该怎么做
What was wrong 究竟哪里错了
Girl I didn't know...no 亲爱的我不知道 (不知道)
I hope you know I never meant to hurt you girl 我希望你知道我从未想过要伤害你
But I was way too blind to see 我真是眼睛糊涂了没有看清
You only try to protect me girl 你仅仅想为了保护我亲爱的
I wish you'd had more faith in me 我希望你可以对我有更多忠诚
Now I realise that I've let you down 现在我意识到我让你失望了
And you have reasons to act that way 你有理由表现得那样
I tought that you were cheatin' when you weren't around 我本以为你只是骗骗我当你不在的时候
That's why I had to walk away 所以我才离开
But girl looking back 亲爱的回头看看吧
In spite of all that you been through 不管你经历了什么
I'm asking if there's still a chanse for me and you 我想知道我们之间是否还有机会
I never should have walked away 我从来都不应该离开(你)
I should have been there for you babe 为了孩子我本应该陪在你身边
I know I handle this all wrong 我知道我处理这些的方式都错了
I sware 我发誓
I didn't know 我不知道该怎么做
Things would never gonna be the same 事情总不会一成不变
And I know I'm the one to blame 我知道我应该被责怪
I've gonna left you torn babe 我让你流泪亲爱的
But I didn't know...但我不知道该怎么做
I never should have walked away 我从来都不应该离开(你)
I should have been there for you babe 为了孩子我本应该陪在你身边
I know I handle this all wrong 我知道我处理这些的方式都错了
I sware 我发誓
I didn't know 我不知道该怎么做
Things would never gonna be the same 事情总不会一成不变
And I know I'm the one to blame 我知道我应该被责怪
I've gonna left you torn babe 我让你流泪亲爱的
But I didn't know...但我不知道该怎么做
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