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哪位英语高手帮我把这个故事用英语说出来,是要说给人家听的 所以 语法和词语都要对.
第一段“村里有个年轻的猎手年轻人 ”年轻人不要 是要说个人家听的所以要求 语法和词语都要对
人气:457 ℃ 时间:2019-10-19 06:42:25
A long long time ago,there was a mountain called Five Finger Mountain.On the foot of the mountain there was a village.In the village,there was a young hunter.One day when this young hunter went hunting in the mountain,he found that the mountain was strangely quiet.He was confused and thus decided to wait to see what had happened.He waited and waited.Then,suddenly,a little deer jumped out in front of him.He chased after the deer for a long time until they reached the edge of the world.He then held up his bow and was about to released his arrow.But at this moment,the deer turned her head back.The hunter was surprised because the deer was a beautiful fairy.He put down his bow and was about to leave.However,the fairy was touched by his insistence and so she stayed in the world with this young hunter.
Hereafter,this place is called "Deer turning back"
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