> 英语 >
人气:344 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 06:36:46
In my opinion, a goal should be set in order to succeed. Then work hard to improve oneself continuously so as to come close to the success. The lazy one will not be successful.
Perseverance is also needed. Strive after the goal persistently. Rome wasn't built in a day. Only if one works hard continuously, one can meet his goal.
Only diligence, effort and perseverance can lead to great success and meet one's goal.
完全按你写的翻译的,但感觉有些句子重复了.可以自己修改下.谢谢啊 !请问是自己翻译的吗 ?如果可以的话您能帮我修改一下吗?英语我自己对自己都无语了是我自己翻译的,如果修改的话,大概会少好几句话的,有字数限制吗?嗯 两百字左右就行了 分两段:一段奋斗;一段:坚持不懈,最后总结。谢谢了!在此叩谢!!!In order to succeed, the first step is to set a goal, an easy one to achieve. Then work as hard as you can to improve yourself to meet this goal. Then set another goal which is harder and try to achieve it, and the like. In this way, you can get closer and closer to the success. The early bird catches the worm. Lazy ones will never be successful.Perseverance is also important. Once you set your goal, strive after it persistently. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Only if you stick to your goal, it’s possible to get it.The bright future is waiting for you ahead. Only diligence, effort and perseverance can lead to great success. 看这样行不?说实话 我的英语真的很差的,看不懂你觉得可以就行了,我相信你!谢谢啊 !我只会这一句 Thank you!!!(还不知道对不对)明天要进行万恶的英语考试了,一会还得交代一下后事!总之大哥(大姐)谢谢你啊!呵呵,Thank you是对的。其实英语没那么可怕的,重要是打好基础,要不以后会更难的。祝你考试顺利~ 别忘了采纳我的答案哦~
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